10 major freeCodeCamp improvements that are live now

Quincy’s comment, 5 months ago:

" A quick note on challenge solutions

We have not lost any of your data. We have all your challenge solutions leading up to May 2018."

1. Can someone help please?
2. Before the site update the my answers to basic and intermediate Javascript algorithm sections were saved to FCC’s server. I knew this because I worked on the challenges on 4 computers at work and at home and all solutions appeared perfectly in every PC. The progress I made on one PC was saved to the server and I continued on the same challenges on other PCs with the other PCs previously saved work.
3. All of my solutions to challenges, including those that weeks to solve, were erased in the updated website.
4. Since then I have been asking if someone can help me access the solutions I saved into FCC’s database.
5. The solutions I wrote to the JS algorithm challenges and my notes saved within those solutions are the most important to me because they took so long to figure out. Actually, I think 5 or 6 entire sections of challenges I previously completed were reset and I have completed most of them again. But really, I just want my JS algorithm solutions back and can re-do everything else easily.
6. 5 months later I am still waiting. Am I the only one still without their pre-update solutions back?

If our solutions ‘full solutions including their notes’ are still available, as Quincy states in the quote above, can someone help me please, and send them to me by e-mail.