100 doors -- For Loops not looping right number of times

Tell us what’s happening:

For some reason, my for loops aren’t executing the number of times they should. If you look at the last loop in my code, purely for testing:

for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { 
    console.log("loop called")

It only logs loop called 22 times! What’s wrong?

Your code so far

function getFinalOpenedDoors(numDoors) {
  console.log("numDoors:" + numDoors)
  var doors = Array(numDoors)
  console.log("Doors: " + doors)
  var resultArray = []
  var loop = 0
  for (var i = 1; i < numDoors + 1; i++) {
    loop += 1
    console.log("loop called")
    for (var j = i; j < numDoors + 1; j = j + i) {
      if (doors[j]) {
        doors[j] = false
      } else {
        doors[j] = true
  console.log("loop called %s times", loop)

  for (var k = 0; k < numDoors; k++) {
    console.log("k:" + k)
    if (doors[k]) {
  console.log("resultArray: " + resultArray)
  return resultArray
var newLoop
for (var i = 0; i++; i<1000) {
  newLoop ++

console.log("newLoop called %s times", newLoop)

for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { 
    console.log("loop called")

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Link to the challenge:

I’ve been using repl.it as a scratch pad to solve such things and then copying my final solution into FCC. repl is more forgiving with the infinite loop timeouts and there is a stop button that (sometimes) lets you kill a long-running script. Unlike codepen, your scripts don’t run automatically upon opening the page, you have to press run button, so if you have to close a tab to kill a script you can safely revisit it later

In repl I was able to console.log out my open / closed doors as . and X so I could watch the pattern emerge over time. Cool stuff that I couldn’t do on FCC.

Okay, thanks! I removed the console.logs and tweaked some things and now it works. @QuincyLarson Maybe this would be an issue to fix?