2020 First Certification in just 3 Days

Hello everybody!

I’m really excited, because I complete my first FCC certification in just 3 days!!! :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

This is my first achievement of my 2020 Goals and I want to share with you this whole feeling. I know that this is just one step, but I’m really happy for achieved it this quickly.

Yo can see my Portfolio Final Project here:

There are links to the other projects that I made for this certification.

Feedback and advice are welcome :+1:

I hope you all will meet your goals, just DON’T GIVE UP, because “You Can Do This!”


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Congrats JJ!
We can do it! I started in November of 2019 and plan to finish in April of 2020.

Here is one suggestion for your css. This will make your scrolling between sections more smooth:

html {
  scroll-behavior: smooth;

Also, in your html I would change the project section’s title:

<!-- <u>These are some of my projects</u> -->
<u style="font-size: 175%; text-decoration: none">Projects</u>

Cheers :+1:

if you want to use that portfolio as a way to make yourself known, I suggest you make your projects open in new tabs, and have someone check the texts to make the best impression you can

How can you finish so fast? In three days, that is super fast!