4. Inside the form element, I am required to enter my name in a field with id="name". If I do not enter a name I will see an HTML5 validation error

I don’t think we covered this. I thought I entered code correctly. Is there a reference someone can direct me to? Whatever the error is it is running throughout the form.

I didn’t misspell name fields in Section 3. I added f to designate father so it would appear as a duplicate.

Your code so far
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Make sure you read the logs carefully. Your first error says you need an input id of name. You only have variations like lname but don’tactually have name.

Go through each one of them and read the test cases in red carefully.

Here you forgot to close the double quote after your placeholder element

<input type="text" id="Mname" name="Middlename" placeholder="Middle name.. required/>
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i have the same issue, the code keeps popping up. i am not sure how to solve that.
