A Get request to /profile should correctly redirect to / since we are not authenticated

This is my project but it still doesn’t work.
Glitch: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/cherry-king-j4bzqjwt1p?path=server.js:80:29

Fri, 14 Feb 2020 00:39:53 GMT express-session deprecated req.secret; provide secret option at server.js:44:3

4:39 PM

Database error: MongoParseError: URI malformed, cannot be parsed

4:39 PM

Listening on port 3000

Challange: Advanced Node and Express - Create New Middleware

Fri, 14 Feb 2020 00:39:53 GMT express-session deprecated req.secret; provide secret option at server.js:44:3

4:39 PM

Database error: MongoParseError: URI malformed, cannot be parsed

4:39 PM

Listening on port 3000

Glitch Project Link : https://glitch.com/edit/#!/cherry-king-j4bzqjwt1p?path=server.js:1:0

Successful database connection

5:55 PM


it still doesn’t pass the test.