Add a string to an existing array at a specific Index help

Hey guys I was trying to do a coding challenge recently and I’m trying to figure out how to add a string item into an existing array. For example:

var strArray = ["Mountain", "Pepsi", "Coke"]

How would I add the string “Dew” at the end of the first element in the array?

What do you mean by at the end of the first element?

You can add a string at the end of an array by using .push() (if this is what you mean):


I’m sorry I wasn’t clear I want to transform this:

var strArray = ["Mountain", "Pepsi", "Coke"]

Into this:

var strArray = ["Mountain Dew", "Pepsi", "Coke"]

It’s easy to do that.

You just need to change the string in question.

var arr = ["Mountain", "Pepsi", "Coke"];

arr[0] = 'Mountain Dew'; // Mountain is at index 0.
console.log(arr); // output: Mountain Dew,Pepsi,Coke