Add Elements within your Bootstrap Wells.. I need help

Someone please help with this:

Nest three button elements within each of your div elements with class well

What do you need help with on it?

If it’s the code, what have you tried so far?

Thank you for the reply. i finally got the answer. my answer is below and it works.

  <button class="well"></button>
    <button class="well"></button>
      <button class="well"></button>
        <button class="well"></button>
          <button class="well"></button>
            <button class="well"></button>

Glad you got it working. :slight_smile:

That is wrong.

Here’s the instruction again.

Nest three button elements within each of your div elements with class well.

3 buttons, inside a div.well

If FCC allows segsmart to move on then it is correct.

I am assuming they have missed off copying in the div code and the “well” class for the btn objects surprised me but as I say, if FCC allows it, that’s a different issue

It’s still wrong.

He may have passed the rudimentary tests to move on, but that .well class usage is wrong, and not what the challenge is asking.

<button class="well"></button>

In coding, just because your program doesn’t have a syntax error does not mean your program is correct.