Add Key-Value Pairs to JavaScript Objects

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Your code so far

let foods = {
  apples: 25,
  oranges: 32,
  plums: 28

// change code below this line

// change code above this line


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Link to the challenge:

Add three more entries: bananas with a value of 13, grapes with a value of 35, and strawberries with a value of 27

Add new foods to the foods object.

    foods[<<key>>] = <<value>>

foods['blueberries'] = 99;
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Hi, you can do this by using dot notation. So the answer is:

foods.bananas = 13;
foods.grapes = 35;
foods.strawberries = 27;

let foods = {
apples: 25,
oranges: 32,
plums: 28,


// change code below this line
foods[‘bananas’] = 13;
foods[‘grapes’] = 35;
foods[‘strawberries’] = 27;

// change code above this line


Do you have an issue with that code?

not working for me :confused:

use the ask for help button to create your own thread, so that your code will be included and people can help you based on what you have written

nvm it worked. i was just doing the work twice without realizing

This is helpful for all guys here.
Add new key-value pair to Javascript Object