Advice on HTML & CSS - I am not enjoying them!

Hello, I would greatly appreciate any advice, comments, or thoughts…

I am slowly working through the Free Code Camp curriculum, and on the whole, am really enjoying it and the learning to code experiance. For several reasons (primarily a chronic health issue that sometimes requires work flexibility) am determined to work as a coder remotely.

But while I enjoyed learning the HTML and CSS exercises, I found the actual Tribute Page and Portfolio Page exercises a real drag. I just did not enjoy them, and consequently, it has taken me a long time to be motivated enough to complete them (and even then, to my shame, at a relatively poor standard).

I believe that I am not particularly interested in the aesthetics of front end web design - colour schemes, fonts, the positioning of text/pictures etc.

I the meantime all my available time has been spent learning javascript (even helping out writing code to automate a relation’s small business), teaching myself procedural map generation (just for fun), writing software to control an Arduino homebrew PID controller and an interface to use it. All is this is at a very basic level but very enjoyable, so it is not like I don’t like coding!

So back to the point:
Should I persist with HTML/CSS front-end web development, or drop it entirely and focus on something else? But what?
Or should I learn it quickly so I at least have a basic level of competence even I choose to focus entirely on the back-end?
Or am I being foolish, and just need to accept that we won’t always enjoy every aspect of our jobs and take the time to master it as best I can, even if I don’t like it?

Cheers, thanks for reading; any advice, comments, or thoughts welcome!

I don’t enjoy design much either and consider styling to be a necessary evil. There’s nothing wrong with that. I’d say that it’s worth it to have enough HTML/CSS skills to be able to create an interface for your projects, but don’t kill your enthusiasm by spending a ton of time on it. As you advance, other projects will still involve HTML/CSS because they are web applications, but focus on function over form. Give it some kickass features and clean, robust code.

That’s basically what I did a few years ago. I learned enough vanilla CSS to be competent, but nobody is ever going to hire me for my awesome CSS skills.

Thank you for saying that out loud. That is exactly the way I felt while doing them. Once I finished them and got into the algorithm challenges I was able to get excited again. I say just power through it and perhaps you will find joy in the javascript algorithm challenges that come later.