Amazing Tribute Page: Steve Jobs

Hi everyone, so i spent a couple of hours finishing up my tribute page about Steve Jobs, any feedback is welcome and thanks for your click!

See the Pen Steve Jobs Tribute Page FCC by Andy Santana (@Andy-Santana) on CodePen.


It looks amazing (just as the title says :slight_smile:)! Far better than mine. :smiley:

Although I’d change a bit the very first headline – with this pale color, relatively small font-size and horizontal line it looks like input field (at least for me).

I love the shadow effect you have going on the cards.

oh ok I see! Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks man! Took me a while to get the “right” shadow!

Great job! Very visually pleasing. I agree that the font color at the top is a little pale and fades in. And, I couldn’t find where you click for more information? And, yes way better than mine!

ok it is probably something that I need to work on! Thanks for the feedback! The links are the orange PIXAR and NEXT writings after the jumbotron

Hi, Andy!

I just wanted to let you know that the design looks great! I really like the floating boxes with the shadow. Love it! Just a quick thing to mention–Pixar’s share should be written 10 million dollars or $10M for the the Winter 1986 section. Amazing job for sure!

Oh, how did you figure out how to do the floating boxes? I’d like to do that for my next project.

Thanks for sharing! :smiley:

The overall design looks great! What font did you use?

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Hi sblasa! Glad that you liked my design and thanks for the feedback I’ll change it right away. For the floating boxes, I used the CSS box-shadow property on the .card CSS selector.

You can learn more about it here:

and try it here: Box Shadow CSS Generator | CSSmatic

I used the Roboto font, specifically the font-weight 100 and 300

The design is scrumptious!

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Your design looks great and is easy to read, but I am only just starting out as well. The only thing I noticed were a few syntax errors that made a few sentences harder to read.

WOW! Great design and look for your first project! It’s above and beyond my Tribute page as well.

One thing I’d like to point out is the look on smaller devices/screens. On small devices, the timeline cards and very narrow. Unless that’s the look your going for, maybe give them 12 columns at xtra small screens and 6 at medium screens? Just a thought, otherwise I love the look. :thumbsup:

Beautiful, and I like it. Wow, so different.

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Thanks for the feedback, English not my first language. I will try to fix it

Hey ntdd! Thanks for the feedback, yeah I didn’t notice that the cards will get very narrow because I designed it according to the resolution of my phone (iphone 6). Nonetheless, I will take this into account on my next design!

It’s ok. Maybe just ask someone to proof read it. This is more about perfecting your coding anyways right?

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I love it! The shadow adds a nice effect, and your color choices pair quite well together. I also like your social icon links at the bottom (tiny little thing, but great choice!).

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these css classes come from Bootstrap 4, right?