An website issue after resetting my freecodecamp progress


I think there are some issues with the public portfolio page on freecodecamp after resetting ones progress. The calender is weird and doesn’t display the points properly.

Would like to include links, but it seems i am unable to because i am a new user.
So workaround: just replace the / after www with a .
here a picture of how it looks for me (replace the first / with .):

Just as info, i am using the chrome browser

The streak widget is broken and needs to be replaced.

Hi there I got the same issues but after a Windows reisntall now all of my progress are gone, am new here so don’t know what to do, wonder why happens this when there is no log in option on the site just the sign up option when you got for first time in the site.

Don’t mind to answer. Now I know how it works, i forgot I signed up with my google account and not with my github. Cheers!!