Array.filter() to Dynamically Filter an Array

Does anybody have any idea why this code does not work? It should first filter the state object of any users who are not online, then map a new array listing the names of the online users when the component is placed. But no avail - and I don’t understand why.

Your code so far

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      users: [
          username: 'Jeff',
          online: true
          username: 'Alan',
          online: false
          username: 'Mary',
          online: true
          username: 'Jim',
          online: false
          username: 'Sara',
          online: true
          username: 'Laura',
          online: true
  render() {
    const usersOnline = this.state.users.filter(x =>
    ); // change code here
    const renderOnline = => <li key = {user.username.toString()} > {user.username} </li>); // change code here
    return (
         <h1>Current Online Users:</h1>

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Link to the challenge:

In your filter() call, you probably meant user => (with no braces)

You also can’t put an object between the braces in JSX, like you did with <li>{user}</li>

Your code is correct. However, there is one tiny formatting error.

<li key = {user.username.toString()} > {user.username} </li>

The space must be trimmed. Remember HTML still preserves one level of space.

Yeah, that did the trick! Thanks!