Basic CSS: Use Attribute Selectors to Style Elements challenge

I’m not being allowed to pass this. Can anyone shed light on why? This is in the style element:
input[type =“checkbox”] {
margin-top: 10px;
margin-bottom: 15px;


And the result:
Not passed: The type attribute selector should be used to select the checkboxes.
The top margins of the checkboxes should be 10px.
The bottom margins of the checkboxes should be 15px.

Test result:
The type attribute selector should be used to select the checkboxes.

it is hard to tell without seeing all the code, but my guess is that you are missing the closing brace }
If that’s not it, please paste the full code here plus a link to the challenge you are trying to pass.

To paste code in a formatted way, you must paste it in between two lines with 3 backticks like below:
paste your code here

my code worked

  margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;

top right bottom left {order of operations}
? Did you get it working im stuck aswell.

You code should be passing. Did you change anything other then adding the selector? Maybe try it in a different browser.