Basic weather app

Hi there,

I am currently busy building my weather app, but for some reason, when I try to change the background image with a certain temperature, it does nothing but return a white background.

My Codepen link is:

Thank you in advance.

The problem is on line 29 (seen below), you assign celsius a string value

celsius = ((kelvin - 273.15).toFixed(0)) + "°C";

and then later in your code, your if statement is comparing this string value to a number.

    if (celsius > 23) {
    } else if (celsius < 23) {
      $("body").css("background-image", "url(");

Both of the above if statements will evaluate to false, so neither will execute their respective code blocks. Either do not add the °C on the end of celsius until after the above is statements, or create another variable to hold the numeric value for comparison purposes.

Thank you so much. Really appreciate the help.

Thank you very much. I really appreciate the help.