Best way to pass Icon / Img URLs in React as Props?

In your .json file, the property icon of each object literal in the array is a string. So, you’re passing an icon string to DailyWorkout instead of the icon ‘itself’ (imported from png files).

Instead of importing the info from a .json file you can import from a .js file that exports the array.
From this .js you can import the images.

For example


import runImg from './img/run.png';
import bikeImg from './img/bike.png';

export default [
  /* other properties */,
  icon: runImg
  /* other properties */,
  icon: bikeImg

From your App.js you can do:
import dailyWorkouts from './path/to/dailyWorkouts'

in this case, dailyWorkouts[0].icon is in fact the icon object, not a string

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