Bootstrap Dropdown Navigation Bar

Hey! I’m trying to make certain parts of my navigation bar have a dropdown option, but I can’t figure out why it’s not working. The caret is shown but it’s not actually dropping down and showing the other menu items. I made sure to include the jquery url before the bootstrap file in the end of the body and I’m think I’m using the most current version of jquery in the url. Any help would be appreciated!

In codepen you are not required to write a <head> , also every external library you want to add to your page must be done through the settings tab.

For instance, if you want to add Bootstrap3 to your page you should:

- click to settings
- click on the quick add dropdown
- select Bootstrap 3
- wait for project to refresh
- profit!

Same obviously goes for any external Javascript library you want to pull in!

Happy coding! :slight_smile:

you are missing your <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> in your files,
you can get it from or use cdn:
<script src=""></script>

@pseudop thank you. I ended up using cdn I’m using webstorm and I had the bootstrap.min.js file inside a js folder, i’m not sure why that wouldn’t have worked. Should I have downloaded an older version of bootstrap from the site inside of the 4?

i’m not sure why that wouldn’t have worked.

i’m guessing there’s just a typo or source path mistake @kxgood, use your developer tool console for hints.

Should I have downloaded an older version of bootstrap from the site inside of the 4

boostrap4 is still in beta so it may have couple of bugs but if you want its new feats then go ahead, if not then just go with a stable version