Bootstrap formatting not working on mobile

I’ve used boot strap on this challenge, and I’m really happy with how it looks on a desktop, but the mobile view is completely trashed, nothing looks right. I thought bootstrap was supposed to make this sort of thing seamless? How do I use bootstrap to ensure the look and feel stays proportioned on the phone?

If i request desktop version, it looks correct again on the phone.

Hi. Nice design.
Bootstrap has classes for assigning to elements on your web site. They have their own CSS properties. For adaptive too. Here is the link on Bootstrap Grid System which allows you to represent a web site skeleton in different ways that you like. Read more about Bootstrap.(Fresh v is Bootstrap 4 but FCC use for teaching Bootstrap 3). Anyway you need to learn about it deeper.

All adaptive stuff you can make with Bootstrap sure. But most common way to adaptive your web site is media-queries. Read about that here - link

For your project I think you did a great job. Just move on and keep coding, learning and later move back and review this project.

Best rigards.

Thank you so much for the info and the encouragement!