Building a Resume

So my Question is this.
I am starting school in January for my AA in computer science then its off to UF for my BS in Computer Science. My main career Focus is software engineer and design. I have never worked in this field before. My jobs have usually been Iron worker or Security officer.

I need to build a Resume for the companies that I want to work with but should i include my past jobs if they have nothing to do with the career I’m wanting to get started in? I mean what would they care that i worked construction if I’m just going to be writing code all day?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

I would include past job experiences… even if unrelated. But accentuate skills/tech related to the current job you’re applying for.

I mean what would they care that i worked construction if I’m just going to be writing code all day?

It shows you have the drive, the passion, the grit to improve yourself and rise above your surroundings. You’re a hard worker and learner, and you’re willing to do anything to become better. – I think these qualities are more important than what you currently know.

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Include unrelated past jobs because it shows you’re stable and can hold a job. Iron worker and security officer aren’t tech related but both those jobs involve working with a team of other people and being responsible and trustworthy.

Include them and then make another section on the resume that highlights specific programming projects you’ve done i.e. make a section for the tic-tac-toe game and explain how you built it and the technologies/algorithms used, etc.

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…but should i include my past jobs if they have nothing to do with the career I’m wanting to get started in? I mean what would they care that i worked construction if I’m just going to be writing code all day?

Definitely include it. What do you want them to think? That you were laying on your mom’s couch, in your underwear, eating Cheetos, and watching Xena reruns all day?

It shows that you know what it means to hold down a job. You know how to show up on schedule and work. That is not worthless. Any significant gaps in your employment history is going to raise red flags.

But as pointed out, you don’t need a lot of information on a construction job. I’ve worked in different industries. I have different resumes for each. If I’m applying to a teaching job, any job involving teaching, I have more information about those jobs and less about others. I now have a coding resume and the opposite is true.

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