Caesars Cipher - fromCharCode issues

Tell us what’s happening:
When I console.log newstring. I get the correct values for free code camp.


When I try to feed this to fromCharCode it doesn’t seem to function correctly:

Any idea why the fromCharCode isn’t working as expected?

Thanks again!

Your code so far

function rot13(str) { // LBH QVQ VG!
  var newstring ="";
  for (var index =0; index < str.length; index++){
  if (str.charCodeAt(index) >= 78){
    newstring += str.charCodeAt(index) - 13 + ",";
  if ((str.charCodeAt(index) < 78) && (str.charCodeAt(index) !=32)){
    var difference = 0;
    var from13 = 0;
    difference = str.charCodeAt(index) - 64;
    from13 = 13 - difference;
    newstring += 90 - from13 + ",";
    if(str.charCodeAt(index)== 32){
      newstring += 32 + ",";
  var translated = String.fromCharCode(newstring);
  return str;

// Change the inputs below to test
rot13("SERR PBQR PNZC");

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Link to the challenge:

When you write:

var translated = String.fromCharCode(newstring);

you have to remember that newstring is a string of number characters separated by commas. String.fromCharCode expects a number to be passed to it. You are passing a string and not a number.

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Thanks. I thought I could just pass that into fromCharCode (maybe auto conversion?). Any hints on how to convert it? It seems to accept comma separated numbers.

Thanks again. That’s what I ended up doing and then converting it to a number with It worked.