Callbacks and Tea

I took a small break from FCC and I am now back on it. I am currently on the functional programming section and early on we are introduced to callback functions. It is somthing i have struggled with for a few month now. I was wondering if someone could help me wrap my head around the below problem, and just to give me another resource to read about callbacks. I understand the idea behind them, i think i am just struggling with the execution portion.

const prepareGreenTea = () => 'greenTea';

const prepareBlackTea = () => 'blackTea';

const getTea = (prepareTea, numOfCups) => {
  const teaCups = [];

  for(let cups = 1; cups <= numOfCups; cups += 1) {
    const teaCup = prepareTea();

  return teaCups;

const tea4GreenTeamFCC = getTea('green Tea', 27) // :(
const tea4BlackTeamFCC = null; // :(


can you attach the link to the challenge?

callback functions are just functions. If you can write a function, you can write a callback function.