Can't connect to paperscript?

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type = "text/javascript" src="paper-full.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="circles.css"
    <script type="text/paperscript" canvas="myCanvas">
        function onKeyDown(event) {
            let maxPoint = new Point(view.size.width, view.size.height);
            let randomPoint = Point.random();
            let point = maxPoint * randomPoint;
            new Path.Circle(point, 10).fillColor = "orange";
    <canvas id="myCanvas" resize></canvas>

Why can’t I connect to Paperscript? The script function just comes out as html at the top.

None! I’m so confused and terribly frustrated. The function just appears as html at the top.

There’s a couple of misunderstandings here

  1. the script tag type attribute is the mime type of the script
    • in your case type='text/javascript'
  2. there is no canvas attribute on the script tag

Take a look at the docs for examples of setting up using script tags

I don’t understand what you’re saying.

I’m so frustrated I started over. I made all new folders to try and get this all right. I don’t understand what the problem is.

Oops. I wasn’t aware there were two methods of using this script.

The code you posted is on this page

And the one I went straight to was this

I keep getting this in the console…
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token (2:9)
at raise (paper-full.js:14884)
at unexpected (paper-full.js:15524)
at expect (paper-full.js:15520)
at parseFor (paper-full.js:15767)
at parseStatement (paper-full.js:15612)
at parseTopLevel (paper-full.js:15544)
at Object.exports.parse (paper-full.js:14798)
at parse (paper-full.js:16097)
at compile (paper-full.js:16324)
at execute (paper-full.js:16355)


You probably aren’t working on this project anymore, but I ran into the same problem and found a solution. I was getting the same error you got in the console because I was using “let” and “const” to initialize my variables. Apparently, paperscript doesn’t allow you to initialize variables in this way. Once I changed everything to “var”, it worked. I hope this will help anyone who has the same problem.