Can't figure out what I did wrong here: Restrict Possible Usernames

Tell us what’s happening:

It seems like everything is covered yet, i am doing something wrong.
Not sure what.

Your code so far

let username = "JackOfAllTrades";
let userCheck = /\D\w*\d+/gi; // Change this line
let result = userCheck.test(username);

//Point 1
//\w [A-Za-z0-9_ alphanumeric.

//Point 2 
//\D  non-digits [^0-9] code starts with that. 
//\d [0-9] digits i added the + to care for the several numbers. Code ends with it

//Point 3
//i ignores capitale letters

//Point 4
//w+ is alphanumeric i added the + to care for the several alphanumeric letters. 
//g is added to cover repeat

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Challenge: Restrict Possible Usernames

Link to the challenge:

do not use the g flag with the test method

then, your regex will return true even for something like 9aaa33a because it finds the part aaa33 that satisfy the pattern
your regex doesn’t say anything about how the string should start or end

to finish, you will need something a bit more complex to pass this:

Your regex should not match A1

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I see that makes scense the global flag would ignore the double letters.
[^] searches for patterns at the beginning of strings.
So I added that one this time as well.

let username = "JackOfAllTrades";

let userCheck = /[^A-Za-z0-9_ ]\D*\d+/i; // Change this line

let result = userCheck.test(username);

if you put the ^ inside a charatcter class it will invert the character class. anchor need to be just after the /

see challenge
-Match Beginning String Patterns

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@ilenia thank you. You are the very best <3