Cant get nothing done

So, did you get bitten by the coding bug? Do you think you’ll carry on? :slight_smile:

Dennis, check Udemy, there is a course there called Web Developer Course by Colt Steele.

I’m enroled there. I felt I needed some more explanations before I coult tackle the Portfolio Page.

Many people do that. They mix the course I mentioned and the material you have here.

Also, check .

Don´t Give up.

Another great tip I saw here is to finish the front end certificate and only then come back and make your Portfolio. Seems to be a great idea.

I was in the exact same spot as you. I put it off for days because I had a hard time tying together all of the challenges I had previously done. What really helped me is watching youtube ‘how to make a website’ videos. Also, there is a ‘how to make a website’ on codecademy that helped make sense of formatting and layout and all that. It helped huge having someone talk through each step, kind of like how a tutor would.

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All this time i was worried about the first 20 hours… and i asked and they said i had completed it… and now i working on lessioon 2…