Can't search with Jquery .attr results

In the following code I define a variable, var panel by using the method .attr on an element. I get a result of var panel = “#panel4”, which I confirm by using an alert(). So far so good. BUT, when I put this variable inside a Jquery function so as to toggle an element which has an id=“panel4” as in:


^This does not work. If I change this code to:


it works!

Anyone know why I can’t use my variable in this code?

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  <div class="panel-body"> Contet 

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  <div class="panel-body"> Contet 

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      var bokchoi =   
           var panel = $(this).attr("data-panelid"); 
        /* $(bokchoi).toggle();  */
      $(panel).toggle(); });  


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Thanks! You and your team are really amazing. I hope I can give back to the IT community as well someday.