Chunkey Monkey : Code Review Request


I just solved the Chunkey Monkey Challenge and I’d like some feedback. Something tells me I could have solved this more efficiently. I feel like there was probably a way I could have modified the array in place.

My Solution

function chunkArrayInGroups(arr, size) {
  var newArr = [];
  var count = 0;

  while (count < arr.length){
    newArr.push(arr.slice(count,(size + count)));
    count += size;

  return newArr;

What I wanted to do, in English, was “Take the given array, remove x number of items from the array and place them in a new array”. Instead of removing them, my code is copying them then starting the slice after the given count for them.

Is there a way to move items from one array to another rather than to copy?

Another, less elegant solution I thought of would to have a for loop that ran the shift() method the number of times given. Unfortunately, shift() doesn’t take any params.

Our solutions are the same, except that I used a for-loop.

Even the solutions in the wiki look like that.

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Thanks. As for the wiki you’re referring to, is there a FCC specific wiki, or something else?

this is my solution, quite simple really

function chunkArrayInGroups(arr, size) {
    var original = arr;
    var collector = [];
    var starter = 0;
    counter = 0;
    while (counter < arr.length/size) {
        var adder = arr.slice(starter,starter+size);
        Array.prototype.push.apply(collector, [adder]);
        starter = starter + size;
    return collector;

There’s a #wiki in the forum, and #wiki:fcc-algorithms list solutions for the algo challenges… This is the post for chunky monkey.

Thanks again. It looks like the intermediate solution is what I was looking for. Good to know that that page exists. I’m sure that was explained somewhere along my on/off use of FCC. :slight_smile:

And I agree with some of the posters. Apparently, my first solution is considered the “Advanced” solution. I think the “Intermediate” solution is cleaner, especially considering that the for loop runs operations faster than the while loop if I remember correctly.

return arr.reduce((a,b)=> {
else a.push([b]);
return a;