Code Campers in Austin TX

I’m thinking of organizing a casual freeCodeCamp meetup, but I wanted to gauge interest before I go ahead and create the group. I’m a beginner and I think it would be beneficial to have a group learning together in person in addition to the forum here. Is anyone in/around Austin TX interested in meeting up regularly to work on projects (independently or together)?

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That is a great idea - we need to look into that in houston if it does not already exist. The regular group meets every two weeks which is cool, but I would not mind that collection of minds even if it was 4 or 5 people more often. Great idea!

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It’s too bad Houston and Austin are so far apart! Otherwise we might be able to do some sort of crossover meetup. :smile:

Howdy y’all! I live in Killeen -_- we can make a triangle! =)

Excuse that really poor display of shapes “but close enough?” Maybe we could meet in the middle of the TriForce “Zelda Lore” and do a Hack-Day?

Hack-Day is where you get a group of people together for a day and build an app/site/whatever happens. Basically a chance to put what we have all learned in a group setting.


Hey y’all! I know this reply is super late, but there is a small group organizing FCC meetups and there is one scheduled for this Saturday 1/18. Here’s the link:

The organizer wants to make these more regular events, so if you join the Free Code Camp Austin Meetup group hopefully you’ll start to see more!