Code Working on JSFiddle but FCC editor rejecting


Kindly please suggest what to do for my task -

My JSFIDDLE link -

Working fine but same code on FCC Editor -


function sumAll(arr) {
 var x = Math.min.apply(Math, arr);
  var y = Math.max.apply(Math, arr);
 for(var i = x; i<=y; i++){
  function add(add1,value1){
    return add1 + value1;
  return test.reduce(add,0);

sumAll([1, 4]);

Satisfies only one condition of returning a number , please help out here …


You need to define test before pushing to it.

Add var test = []; before your for loop.

Additionally, you don;t need to do any of pushing the numbers to the array and then reducing the array. You can use the same for loop to add numbers in a temp variable. Like

function sumAll(arr) {
  var x = Math.min.apply(Math, arr);
  var y = Math.max.apply(Math, arr);
  var sum = 0;
  for(var i = x; i<=y; i++){
    sum += i;

  return sum;

@TheGallery @adityaparab - thanks so much it solved the problem, just silly mistakes on my part …
