Colombia Study Group

hello everyone,
I’m from Colombia and I’m learning how to code… who is interesting in start a study group here or in south america? (spanish speakers?) let’s study together!


hola hola, ya conectados por aqui tambien

I want to learn :muscle:

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hola, hola! ya comenzaste a estudiar el contenido del material?

Cool! me too, I’m working on my third challenge after read the material!

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Hey guys!

I will like to learn too!


cool, you’re welcome. I scheduled a meeting with Quincy Larson (from FCC) for today to talk about the possibility to become an official freeCodeCamp Study Group and getting own group’s own sub-forum. The point here is we don´t have many people in one specific city, I live in Cali but I’ll move to Medellín next week, and I’ve been seeing how medellín is growing up technologically. So, I’ll propose to have our physical base in Medellin but with the possibility to have member living in other cities of the country and work with them remotely. Guys, do you have a better idea? or opinions about it?

Thank you! this will be so helpful for own learning process :slight_smile:


You’re welocme Jorge :nerd_face::muscle:

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I’m in as well! How about we make a slack group chat and post our progress there??

Hi @monicajaimesc I’m interested, tell me more please.

Hola, this is the official study group, please join it Welcome to the Medellin freeCodeCamp Study Group! We can start with a skype call and create a wtsp group, because it’s important start to study all the material. Gonna send you a private message with my cellphone number.


yes, it could work in the future… For now, gonna share my cellphone number with you to make a plan about how we’ll work :slight_smile:


Hi Monica
I’m interested in what you propose, I immediately join, what to do?


Hola Monica, estoy interesado en aportar para estos grupos de estudio, ya que lideras el grupo Colombia, yo puedo liderar para el grupo Bogotá y teniendo en cuenta que esta es una ciudad grande y algo compleja para el desplazamiento se podría dividir en varias ubicaciones. Por ejemplo yo estoy al sur de la ciudad, desplazarse al norte es complejo y viceversa.

Mi propuesta es algo asi:

Colombia Study Group

  • Medellin freeCodecamp Study Group
  • Bogota Study Group
    • Bogota South Study Group
    • Bogota North Study Group
    • Bogota West Study Group
    • Bogota East Study Group

Tambien podría ser:

Colombia Study Group

  • Medellin freeCodecampo Study Group
  • Bogota Study Group
    • Bosa Study Group
    • RafaelUribeUribe Study Group
    • Usaquen Study Group
    • Chapinero Study Group
      … etc … bogota tiene 19 localidades

un saludo,


Hola juan,
Que chévere recibir propuestas así, claro, de una! ya te envío un mensaje privado para cuadrar la logistica y decirte los pasos a seguir para poder habilitar el foro.


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También estaría interesado en participar y/o liderar en los grupos de estudio de Colombia. En este momento vivo en el norte de Bogotá.
Estoy de acuerdo con lo que @juancpulidos plantea para los grupos de estudio.

Espero poder colaborar.

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hola juan,
claro que si, te voy a mandar un inbox con mi numero de celular para ver como podemos articular todo.

I´m from Colombia, too. It´d be awesome to have a group to study together.
Im from Medellín, by the way.

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Hi. I’m just starting in this wonderful world

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