Comparison with the Inequality Operator - Notes Question

This isn’t a question about the code. My question is about the example given.

0 != false //false

0 does not equal false so what would that return false on an inequality unless we are talking 1s and 0s as a computer programming language as on and off, but with no special notation I would assume that a 0 is just a 0 in JS unless notated otherwise. However, I am lead to believe that binary is interchangeable with basic 1s and 0s in JS since this was the line above it:

1 != true //false

I am new so I could be wrong. Can anyone please explain the meaning behind these examples?

Your code so far

// Setup
function testNotEqual(val) {
  if (val != 99) { // Change this line
    return "Not Equal";
  return "Equal";

// Change this value to test

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Link to the challenge:

If you convert 0 to a boolean (and that is what happens when you use some kind of comparator) it will return false.

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