Construct JavaScript Objects with Functions

These two programs do the exact same thing, right?
var MotorBike = function() {
this.wheels = 3;
this.engines = 1;
this.seats = 1;
var motorBike = {
“wheels”: 2, “engines”: 1, “seats”: 2

Your code so far

var Car = function() {
  this.wheels = 4;
  this.engines = 1;
  this.seats = 5;

// Only change code below this line.

var MotorBike = function() {
  this.wheels = 3;
  this.engines = 1;
  this.seats = 1;

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Link to the challenge:

Nope :confused:
The first ‘program’ you wrote is a ‘constructor’, the second is a custom object;
As stated in the challenge:
In a constructor the this variable refers to the new object being created by the constructor.

You will use it as follows:

let test = New motorbike();
console.log( test.wheels) // result 3


The second one is an object: you use it to store and manage data.

Here’s a useful link: MDN - Workng with object

Hope it helps,

Is the reason one uses the constructor function instead of the custom object is so one can add more objects?

That is one of the effect if i understand what you mean.
The constructor is something like a ‘mould’: you use it to produce ‘istances’ ( the objects you ‘produce’ with that mould) ; a simple object is something ‘handcrafted’.
The differences between these two ways to create an object are the same of the factories counterpart : you will go for an handcrafted item when you want something full customizable and not to be ‘rebuilded’, a constructor is preferred to be defined when you need to produce more than one item ( or if you plan to do so, or if you want to implement a structure ‘potentially’ reusable etc…)

This is my opinion, if i said something wrong please correct me; if someone would add something it would be good since there are a LOT of stuff behind that ( constructors could be considered as one of the main components of the classes, which are the bases of the OOP approach).

Are these just two ways to create objects? I can either create an object with ‘objects as variables’.

var car = {


var car = {

Or I can create an object with constructor functions.

var Car = function() {
  this.wheels = 4;
  this.engines = 1;
  this.seats = 5;


var Car = function() {
  this.wheels = 4;
  this.engines = 1;
  this.seats = 5;
var myCar = new Car();
myCar.mirrors = 3;