Construction Website

Hello everyone,

I created this small website for my Uncle’s company and I would like some feedback before presenting the site to him . *We are currently waiting to recieve the google postcard and verify the business.

I’d also like to ask you 2 questions regarding this (this is my second web page after my portfolio website and freecodecamp front-end projects).

  • What was your first impression when you entered the website.
  • If you were to review the website what score would you give it out of 5?


I appreciate your help.
Thank you, Simon.

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Anyway i don’t like colour and image event onclick. Padding of your menu is small on hover. Icons on contact menu are frustrating. Maybe you have to work on graphics. For the code it’s hard to me to say something but it’s better put your <script> in a file.

Grazie per il feedback negativo, @stefalber.
Thats an indication that more effort is required and it inspires me to work hard in the future.

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Non volevo essere troppo negativo. Purtroppo se ho notato certi errori io che non ho nessuna competenza e ho pochissimo senso estetico, sono sicuro che verrebbero notati anche da persone molto più competenti e esperte di me.
I’m sorry, i think you have just to study more and try and try and try better.

Sono “costantemente in costruzione” :grinning:, c’è sempre spazio per migliorare…


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