Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, help!

Tell us what’s happening:

Can anyone tell how to get past this and get all the tests passed at the same time?. The formula works but only checks off one. When I change the input , the check mark changes too.

Your code so far

function convertToF(celsius) {
  var fahrenheit;
  // Only change code below this line
  fahrenheit = celcius * 9/5 + 32;
  // Only change code above this line
  return fahrenheit;

// Change the inputs below to test your code
convertToF(celcius = 0);
convertToF(celcius = -30);
convertToF(celcius = -10);
convertToF(celcius = 0);
convertToF(celcius = 20);
convertToF(celcius = 30);```
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Your Browser User Agent is: ```Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36 OPR/52.0.2871.64```.

**Link to the challenge:**

This is a bit of a guess.

I don’t think you need to include the test cases in your code window. The tester does that for you.
Try removing this part

convertToF(celcius = 0);
convertToF(celcius = -30);
convertToF(celcius = -10);
convertToF(celcius = 0);
convertToF(celcius = 20);
convertToF(celcius = 30);

I don’t know how the tester works but it may be balking at part where your wrote (sic) celcius= inside every parameter list. I would think that to be valid javascript but maybe the tester doesn’t like it.

Your formula obviously works and I got your code to run in codepen

Good luck

You have a typo. Check your spelling very carefully.

This was just crazy. Had to change the var above the line to the formula itself. And then change the line above and below to the input IE Celsius = “#”

yeah I fixed the spelling but the issue was with where to put the equation. Had to change the variable in the var in the array to fahrenheit = celsius * 9/5 + 32;

I think you might be confusing some of your terms. There is no array in this challenge.

Yeah I am, sorry, point is I had to change the var to the equation in the lines we weren’t supposed to change then change the code where we could to the input of >celsius = “any of the input of degrees in celsius>”. I used celsius = 0 and Wallah!

Found the solution on YouTube by the way.