Create section called "Go Deep" after finished FCC Courses?

Hi, there

First of all, sorry for the bad title but, i cant figure something better than that (Please if you have better title edit it!!)

So, Let’s say what i want to say : FCC really GREET and i addicted to FCC and the way that we learn with it but, AFTER i finished the course what should i do ?
Which resources can i learn to go deep ?

i recall something similar to what i think. it’s in Khan Academy courses and you can see that at last lesson they have section called ''What to learn next" !!! This is an important section and could help many people to avoid the doubt with a lot of resources out FCC if they want to go deep in these topic.

So, I suggest that we should have something similar to Khan Academy at the end of each course that tell people what ought to do after finished to courses here.

Basic CSS :

  • Change a variable for a specific area
  • Use a media query to change a variable
  • What next ? or Go Deep (anything!! it’s up to you)

Note : why i say “you should do that” : i think (and it’s really) you have a lot of experience than us and you learn more from wide variety of resources so you have a better thinking about what the GOOD resources and what the WORSE.

and finally it’s just suggestion :blush:
Thank You

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If you get done with the entire FCC, I think that’s when you should find a project you are passionate about and just start building it out. The research you’ll do getting an idea to become a reality will accelerate your learning for sure. It’s the one thing I wish I’d done earlier (also taking classes on topics I’d procrastinate on…eg math).


If one gets the six certifications from fCC and is not sure of where to go next, one probably went through the curriculum too quickly.

It’s hard to imagine someone learning only by using the fCC curriculum. Various tutorials on You Tube and blog posts (Medium, fCC News, etc…) are a great supplement to the fCC course. It seems most people are involved deeply in one or more projects by the time they finish the six certificates. Following the usual recipe (contributing to open source, networking and building a killer portfolio) should be enough to start a career in web development.

Finish the 6 certificates AND the thousands of hours of coding prep and see if you still need any help finding your way.

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@willjw3 @Silber8806

Thanks to your replay but, i think i missed the point that i want to say

NOTE: I’m NOT talking about what someone doing after FCC at all but, i’m talking about after each Course (single course) like CSS | JavaScript courses and for that i suggest that we should have an page that tell someone about some GOOD resources if he wants to go deep in some Topic since FCC dons’t cover every thing in any topic. it’s just cover the basis about topic. You can say “It’s put your hand on the right way”

Basic CSS :

  • Change a variable for a specific area
  • Use a media query to change a variable
  • Go Deep | Good resources to to go advanced (anything!! it’s up to you)

Thank you :heartbeat: