Creating my first website for a personal trainer client

hello. I am currently creating my first client website. I want this to be perfect. I have made a plan of how I want the design/display of the website. Trying to make it professional, modern and user-friendly, I am mainly using JavaScript. Here’s is the first section of the website:



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque convallis elit id nisi pellentesque, in pulvinar ligula eleifend. Nullam congue consequat erat in posuere. Aenean sodales ullamcorper consectetur. Maecenas at massa nec turpis consequat pulvinar. Nam convallis, nisi in ultrices facilisis, ipsum nibh accumsan odio, ac viverra risus quam volutpat sem. Etiam elementum convallis risus, sit amet porttitor sapien tempus aliquam. Ut aliquet imperdiet mattis. Proin faucibus lorem odio, sit amet sagittis eros maximus ut. Etiam a lorem lectus. Cras et dui eu ipsum vulputate suscipit. Nulla odio neque, gravida sit amet tempus sed, rhoncus vel nunc. Aliquam aliquam pretium elit, nec rhoncus purus tincidunt a. Suspendisse interdum tellus eget mauris tempor, in viverra risus facilisis. Maecenas et massa sodales, vestibulum dolor eget, blandit metus.


#personalTrainer {
position: absolute;
bottom: -700px;
right: -10px;


  .cam {
    height: 450px;

  .para {
    margin-right: 900px;

  p {
    width: 650px;
    margin-top: 250px;
    margin-left: 50px;


document.getElementById(“johnsonSports”).onclick = function() {
document.getElementById(“johnsonSports”).style.marginTop = “750px”;
document.getElementById(“johnsonSports”).style.marginLeft = “950px”;
document.getElementById(“johnsonSports”).style.height = “100px”;
window.scrollBy(100, 1000);

What I am trying to do here is when the user clicks on the logo on the first page the site will scroll down to the next section about the personal trainer. However, because this is my first website, I just want to know if I am doing this right?

This is just my rough piece but hoping any coders here can see what I am trying to do. Understand what I am trying to make here. Thanks.