Data Structures: Implement Heap Sort with a Min Heap

Tell us what’s happening:

It’s Not Passing: The sort method returns an array containing all items added to the min heap in sorted order.

Your code so far

let MinHeap = function() {
	let heap = [null];
	this.sort = function() {
		let result = new Array();
		while (heap.length > 1) {
		return result;
	this.insert = function(num) {
		if (heap.length > 2) {
			let idx = heap.length - 1;
			while (heap[idx] < heap[Math.floor(idx/2)]) {
				if (idx >= 1) {
					[heap[Math.floor(idx/2)], heap[idx]] = [heap[idx], heap[Math.floor(idx/2)]];
					if (Math.floor(idx/2) > 1) {
						idx = Math.floor(idx/2);
					} else {
	this.remove = function() {
		let smallest = heap[1];
		if (heap.length > 2) {
			heap[1] = heap[heap.length - 1];
			heap.splice(heap.length - 1);
			if (heap.length == 3) {
				if (heap[1] > heap[2]) {
					[heap[1], heap[2]] = [heap[2], heap[1]];
				return smallest;
			let i = 1;
			let left = 2 * i;
			let right = 2 * i + 1;
			while (heap[i] >= heap[left] || heap[i] >= heap[right]) {
				if (heap[left] < heap[right]) {
					[heap[i], heap[left]] = [heap[left], heap[i]];
					i = 2 * i
				} else {
					[heap[i], heap[right]] = [heap[right], heap[i]];
					i = 2 * i + 1;
				left = 2 * i;
				right = 2 * i + 1;
				if (heap[left] == undefined || heap[right] == undefined) {
		} else if (heap.length == 2) {
			heap.splice(1, 1);
		} else {
			return null;
		return smallest;


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