Data Structures Projects: Caesars Cipher , can not understand what is wrong with my function?

Hello. Can not understan what is wrong with my function. My function returns what is needed, but I can not pass the task

function rot13(str) {
  // LBH QVQ VG!
  let codeStr = str.split("").map(el => {
    let codeNum = el.codePointAt(0);
    if (codeNum >= 65 && codeNum <= 77) {
      return (codeNum += 13);
    } else if (codeNum >= 77) {
      return (codeNum -= 13);
    } else {
      return codeNum;

  let resultStr = => String.fromCharCode(el));

  return resultStr;

link to quiz:

Hi @Quintis, it’s a simple mistake! Just double check what you’re returning out of the function compared to what you WANT to return out of the function.

My fall - :roll_eyes:

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