Death predictor using basic javascript

predict your doom’s day using my web app DEATH PREDICTOR
let me know what did you get.
it says i am gonna live to an age of 83.

Fun quiz! If a little morbid… I got 73 :skull_and_crossbones:

At the moment, all your data (the choices and their corresponding modifiers) is stored in attributes in your HTML. Instead, consider creating the UI dynamically from the data. Pseudocode example:

questions = [{question: 'What continent do you live on?', answers: [{name: 'Europe', val: 77}, ...]}, ...];

//create the UI
//increment/decrement score on user input and show the next question
//then display final score to user after all questions answered

am new to javascript, i would be really glad if anyone can tell me how? because in each function i got the elements by ids, i tried ways to use the id’s in some sequence so that i do not have to write it again and again but it did not work, but still, i will definately make changes soon, thank you!!!

@lionel-rowe i am new to js and was troubled getting values out of onclick function, it would be great if you can show how do i get the value out of arrey when the button is clicked

@camperextraordinaire Thank you very much sir, you enlightned me here, i had to search various places for javascript that i needed to get my idea into reality, i had no idea something like parentNode and nextElementSibling could be used.
But i will keep further doubts to myself for now and will start the javascript challanges as soon a i have completed the responsive web dev projects, DO you have any other suggestion besides freecodecamp, perhaps a book or something like that so that i can get a clear and better understanding of javascript?
thanks again, and can i use the code you have provided?
if i can, how do i mention you?