Deploying React app to Github pages and it's blank white

Hello, I need some help to deploy my react app into github page.

I’ve followed everything from

my app successfully deployed by npm,
my repo files on github are exactly the same from the example except for dependencies version in package.json,
then I go to my site andd… as you can see it turns blank white.
Not so much like I expected like this

I tried to run it locally using npm start and this time it works perfectly.

so what do I miss?

I’m seeing this in the console:

main.9a0fe4f1.css:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
main.ab3dc2ca.js:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
main.9a0fe4f1.css:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

I would want to see what files got written to that github pages.

But ultimately, I would just skip that. Rather than use that, you could just user create-react-app (which this does) and just do your own build/deploy. With that you can take those files from the build folder and deploy them to github pages yourself following the github procedure.

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Thank you for your response!
I worked on it again, just replay the same instructions from those resources and it is working now. I think I made some mistakes with npm gh-pages or so. It’s all new to me, but it’s worth it :ok_hand: