Destructuring with reassignment was used. Please help with this error

Question: Use destructuring to obtain the average temperature for tomorrow from the input object AVG_TEMPERATURES , and assign value with key tomorrow to tempOfTomorrow in line.

Error : “destructuring with reassignment was used remains” remains unticked.

Initial code:

today: 77.5,
tomorrow: 79

function getTempOfTmrw(avgTemperatures) {
“use strict”;
// change code below this line
const tempOfTomorrow = undefined; // change this line
// change code above this line
return tempOfTomorrow;

console.log(getTempOfTmrw(AVG_TEMPERATURES)); // should be 79

Your code so far

  today: 77.5,
  tomorrow: 79

function getTempOfTmrw(avgTemperatures) {
  "use strict";
  // change code below this line
  const {today:tempOfToday, tomorrow:tempOfTomorrow} = AVG_TEMPERATURES;
   // change this line
  // change code above this line
  return tempOfTomorrow;

console.log(getTempOfTmrw(AVG_TEMPERATURES)); // should be 79

Your browser information:

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36.

Link to the challenge:

Use the parameter avgTemperatures inside the function instead of the constant AVG_TEMPERATURES.


Ghukahr, thank you for your help. I’ve tried doing so; however, the problem persists.I’m still getting the same error. My updated code is below:

today: 77.5,
tomorrow: 79

function getTempOfTmrw(avgTemperatures) {
“use strict”;
// change code below this line
const {today:tempOfToday, tomorrow:tempOfTomorrow} = avgTemperatures;
// change this line
// change code above this line
return tempOfTomorrow;

console.log(getTempOfTmrw(AVG_TEMPERATURES)); // should be 79

It looks like the test wants you to destruct only the tempOfTomorrow. No need to get the tempOfToday too. It shouldn’t matter, but sometimes FCC tests are a little too rigid.

I hear what you’re saying and have adjusted the code accordingly; however, the problem persists. My updated code is below:

today: 77.5,
tomorrow: 79

function getTempOfTmrw(AVG_TEMPERATURES) {
“use strict”;
// change code below this line
const {today, tomorrow:tempOfTomorrow} = AVG_TEMPERATURES;
// change this line
// change code above this line
return tempOfTomorrow;

console.log(getTempOfTmrw(AVG_TEMPERATURES)); // should be 79

  1. FCC tests doesn’t want that today there :smiley:
  2. Why did you changed the parameter name?

I guess I misread the question. Either way, I still get the same error.

today: 77.5,
tomorrow: 79

function getTempOfTmrw(AVG_TEMPERATURES) {
“use strict”;
// change code below this line
const {tomorrow:tempOfTomorrow} = AVG_TEMPERATURES;
// change this line
// change code above this line
return tempOfTomorrow;

console.log(getTempOfTmrw(AVG_TEMPERATURES)); // should be 79

The name of the parameter should be avgTemperatures and not AVG_TEMPERATURES.

Its unfortunately but all of this shouldn’t matter at all since you’re returning the correct value. It is just that FCC tests are being too strict.

I also think so. I’ve tried changing the parameter name to avgTemperatures but I’m still faced with the same error. Did you get passed this challenge?

Are you sure you changed it correctly?

This passes for me:

  today: 77.5,
  tomorrow: 79

function getTempOfTmrw(avgTemperatures) {
  "use strict";
  // change code below this line
  const {tomorrow: tempOfTomorrow} = avgTemperatures;
  // change this line
  // change code above this line
  return tempOfTomorrow;

console.log(getTempOfTmrw(AVG_TEMPERATURES)); // should be 79

:smiley: I see. The parameter and the variable name should have been identical. My parameter was avgTemperatures but the constant it referred to was AVG_TEMPERATURES.
It now works. Thank you for your help and patience, Ghukahr.