Do i have to open a browser through cloud9 here? [Lost doing nodeschool]

Hey Campers!

I know I can find the documentation on node.js modules through google. I just wanted to ask what do they mean here by these local links. Is there any built-in browser in cloud 9 or is this link for people who installed server locally on their compuers and then installed learnyounode?

Can anybody please clarify this for me? :slight_smile:

Documentation on the fs module can be found by pointing your browser here:

You may also find node’s path module helpful, particularly the extname

Documentation on the path module can be found by pointing your browser

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I’m also trying to go through the back-end challenges on Cloud9, so when the lesson says “Documentation on the fs module can be found by pointing your browser here:
de/node_apidoc/fs.html”, I’m not sure what it means by that.

I’ve been able to find some information separately by just Googling it, but I’d like to know if there’s a way to access the pages that are mentioned without having to consult additional resources outside of the project.