Don't understand GitHub—ready to give up

I’ve spent 2 days trying to post a simple blog on GitHub. It’s nice to have version control, but beyond that, I don’t understand the GitHub concept. Why are we building a site and then transferring it somewhere else? How do those two platforms talk to each other (e.g., Sublime and GitHub)? Why do we have to install eight other apps before we can commit, and how do we figure out which prerequisites we need and how to set them up? Here’s an example from a so-called “beginner’s tutorial.” This is the second paragraph of the document, so there are no prior other instructions:

The first thing we’ve done is made a virtual environment, set up a requirements.txt, installed django and initialized a django project. That means our project folder now looks something like this…

Huh? Do what, now?

I’ve read the Sublime documentation, watched some YouTube tutorials, and read a lot of blog posts, but I can’t even figure out how to push a simple index page to my site. I don’t understand why this is so complicated. Could someone please help me?? Or just tell me I have no business trying to learn how to code. Thanks, everyone.

By the way, I’m using High Sierra 10.13.6, and my browser is Chrome canary. My repository is here:



Besides version control, github can be used now as sort of “showcase” for your frontend projects. “Github pages” it’s called. And why you don’t use gitbash instead your’s ide’s built in “pusher”? It simple as hell.

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While this is not an explanation, you could use sourcetree, a GUI based git application. Dunno if it will help you.

Thanks very much for your suggestions. The showcase aspect of GitHub is the only reason I’m trying to put my blog there (it’s a blog about freeCodeCamp, btw). Otherwise, I’d have had a beautiful WordPress site built with Divi by now. As for why I don’t use gitbash, I did see that word in the terminal, I think? But I have no idea what it is or what it’s used for. I’ll check it out. Simple is what I need—I’m beyond frustrated.

Just search youtube for: “git bash tutorial” and you’ll find plenty of good tuts.

I haven’t heard of that one before. I’ll check it out. Thank you!

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Looks like I installed gitbash earlier today: git-2.18.0-intel-universal-mavericks.pkg

Or is that something else? I’ll see if I can find a tutorial that works. I’ve tried several already, and they work up to a point. Then something goes wrong, and I’m lost. At least when I have a problem with my Mac or in Word or whatever, I have some idea what solutions might work, and I just try them until one does. But in GitHub, I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing or why, and it’s just confusing. Thanks again for your help.

Thank you again for your help.

P.S. Each of you suggested using piggyback apps:

you could use sourcetree, a GUI based git application…

why you don’t use gitbash instead your’s ide’s built in “pusher”…

Can’t I just stay in GitHub and not use Pages or Sublime or Atom or whatever? I don’t see what they add to the process.

Sure. You just have to learn their syntax. The GUI takes learning the syntax burden off. You still need to know how Git works though.

OK, thanks. I think I’d rather wrestle with the syntax than try to figure out how to push my content into GitHub. Maybe I’ll delete my repositories and start over. I’ve probably corrupted them beyond repair—at least, beyond my repair.

Whichever decision you think is best for you. I just suggested sourcetree because I find it easy to use. I should however learn the syntax at some point, but I know how git works.

You’re way ahead of me, then! Actually, I took a closer look at Sourcetree, and I’m giving it a try. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for the suggestion!

Not that much farther ahead. Good luck!

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That why you should have “sacrificial lamb” repo, on whom you can practice. As for “piggyback apps”, git bash is official app for github, btw there’s also github desktop which uses gui, not unlike gitbash which uses command line. Both of them are official programs which you can download from github and use for your repo’s manipulation.

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Github pages and git bash are not same things. Pages are like any your own domain but free and you don’t have support for backend. Gith bash is a program that allow you to upload your progress to remote repository. Alternatively, you can use jsfiddle, codepen or something else but on those platform your frontend code is exposed to outside views.


I’m getting a little afraid that I’ve given a bad suggestion. Are we simply trying to push data to a repo that will be shown on github pages? Or are we trying to do something else?

You have it right. It’s that simple. Not sure why I’ve had such a hard time figuring it out. Hoping to have a eureka moment sometime soon.

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Oh, I’m butchering my repositories, all right. I love the idea of using a practice repository—that way, when someone later looks at my code (e.g., a prospective employer), he/she won’t see all the cringeworthy mistakes I’m making.

Just read your second message:

Github pages and git bash are not same things. Pages are like any your own domain but free and you don’t have support for backend. Gith bash is a program that allow you to upload your progress to remote repository. Alternatively, you can use jsfiddle, codepen or something else but on those platform your frontend code is exposed to outside views.

The number of options is part of what has me so confused. Choose this one, and you need Ruby and Gems first. Or pick that one, and you need django and some other stuff first. And I barely know what any of it is yet. I knew GitHub Pages was part of GitHub, but I don’t understand gitbash (Gitbash?) yet. I guess I’ll just keep hacking away. That’s how I’ve learned everything so far—trial and many, many errors. This forum is really great, too. I’m sure my blood pressure has dropped dramatically compared with an hour ago!

Don’t forget to take a break every now and then. A clear head works wonders!

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Well, gitbash app is universal for all operating systems. Built-in ones are not. So any gitbash tut will do. Now go to youtube, type “git bash tutorial”. YT is full of them. Alsothat last thing that zappy suggested, tired mind makes mistakes

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