"Eloquent JavaScript" or "Professional JavaScript for Web Developers"

I’ve completed the JavaScript Course curriculum here at FCC, and I’m looking for a good read. After a lot of brainstorming, I finally got these two books, best suitex for novice to advanced JS developers. But still can’t make up my mind which one to pick up. For those who’ve gone through these books please suggest which one would be more comprehensive?

WROX books are very very indepth and very very detailed - they will cover everything - in depth - i think they’re excellent but they are tomes

I like both, but they are quite different. Eloquent Javascript tries to teach you programming using JS, it has exercises and even a few chapters that walk you through a project. Professional Javascript is more an overview of the language, it’s more to the point and comprehensive but less practical.

It really depends what you’re looking for.

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“More to the point and comprehensive but less practical”

I think you just described WROX as a whole - probably great ‘reference’ books

Sorry for the late reply. I would be lying if I said that I’ve never thought about the YDKJS series. I’ve had my eyes on this series for so long, but was kind of unsure if these books would really serve the purpose. Right now, I’m in the middle of “Scope and Closures”, and can’t stress enough the fact that these books are really concise and dense enough.