Error in Guide (Caesar Cipher)

The code and the code explanation for the basic solution here are clearly mismatched:

(Is it OK to be reporting it here in a new topic, since the original one is now closed?)

We are working daily on converting the guides. There’s no expected time of completion. I could probably edit the forum article, however they’ll be obsolete within the coming months. If you’d like I’ll add to my to-do list for tonight. Let me know, thanks!

I didn’t know these guides were obsolete, and I was studying on them quite frequently… Should I be using the site? Anyway, the mismatch is still there:

First things first I recommend reading the freeCodeCamp Guide’s file it explains everything you need to know about contributing to the freeCodeCamp Guide, as for the forum posts, only site moderators can edit them as the threads are closed at this point.

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