ES6 and React JS?

Should I start learning es6 and react js or finish the front end cert? although I think my Javascript knowledge is not good enough and will never be good enough compared to others.
I am also considering learning react js without es6 but I think I am too stupid to start learning frameworks while maintaining my vanilla js knowledge. I just finished my nasty looking intermediate projects but it did make me happy when my code works though.

ps: sorry about my English.

Here’s my opinion. Do not skip vanilla JS if you think you are inadequate in it. There are people out there (and they are plenty) who know frameworks and don’t know the language. Yes libraries and frameworks make your life easier but they are not all sugar. Eventually as you look at more advanced stuff that you’d like to build, you’ll have to go back to base because a library won’t be able to do the job for you. Even with React, you’ll have to be able to understand some fundemal concepts like variable scoping for example.

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Thank you for the response and I will stick to vanilla js until I get confident with my vanilla js and after that I will start learning the es6. Thanks again.

ES6 is vanilla JavaScript, they’re saying learning JS is more important than learning frameworks, not learning JS is more important than learning ES6. After the 2015 major update, the language now gets updated every year: ES6 is more just a description of the features that should be available in all new browsers/JS engines after 2015, rather than a specific thing. It’s not really a case of ‘learn JS then learn ES6’, it’s not a different thing - the only downside is lack of support for old browsers (easily fixable) and lack of learning materials using new techniques (rapidly changing). Much of the stuff added fixes problems with the language and makes things easier* - this is the most important reason to use newer techniques. JS is a massively flawed language, it behaves very strangely compared to many other languages and this can make it difficult and frustrating - ES6 fixes many of the ssues with it.

* with the downside of the language getting larger, as nothing can be removed from or significantly altered even if it doesn’t work very well - var for example)

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I’m going to have to go against the norm and say that you should not void yourself from using any third-party packages. Whether you are writing within the React, Vue, or Angular frameworks, you’re still writing JavaScript in the end. You’re learning how to read documentations, design patterns, and how to apply those APIs to your need. All these skills are necessary in becoming a successful engineer and in the same time you’re still writing JavaScript in the end.

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Oh, definitely agree with that. But thing with JS is that knowing the language + DOM APIs makes picking up a framework 100× easier: say React - learning that as a beginner is confusing and takes time, learning it if you know JS already takes a day or so. It lets you see what problems the framework solves.