FCC - Backend Certification - Timestamp Microservice Review

Hey all,

I just completed my 1st project under API section. Please review my project and let me know the feedback. Here is the link -> https://healthy-mallow.glitch.me/


OK: https://healthy-mallow.glitch.me/api/timestamp/2015-12-25
// {“unix”:1451001600000,“utc”:“Fri, 25 Dec 2015 00:00:00 GMT”}

OK: https://healthy-mallow.glitch.me/api/timestamp/1451001600000
// {“unix”:1451001600000,“utc”:“Fri, 25 Dec 2015 00:00:00 GMT”}

OK: https://healthy-mallow.glitch.me/api/timestamp/INVALID_FORMAT
// {“error”:“Invalid Date”}

OK: https://healthy-mallow.glitch.me/api/timestamp
// {“unix”:1572710341263,“utc”:“Sat, 02 Nov 2019 15:59:01 GMT”}


Thanks you for taking your time to test the endpoints @s-projects18