Feedback on Tribute Page: Richard Clayderman


I just submitted my first “Tribute Page” project.

The URL =

Would appreciate any feedback.

Thank You.

This looks wonderful! As elegant as the content. I really wish I had something more constructive than that, but this site is aesthetically appealing, the information is easy to read and you easily got the challenge down.

Thank you Riadan414.

It took me way longer than I expected (Almost 40 hours - due to my being new to CSS and a perfectionist :grinning:)

I realized that designing web pages well takes A LOT OF TIME - it’s not as easy as it sounds. I’m hoping with experience it will get easier and faster.

– Jay

Nothing wrong with being a perfectionist with design, you will stand out more :ok_hand:

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Looks like a very clean and professional website to me!

I think the better question is: did you enjoy the work? Did you feel satisfied with the outcome?

I’m no expert, but I would think potential clients would appreciate perfectionism. :slight_smile:

Out of curiosity, what took the most of your time?