Finally JS certification 2 months later!

Hey all,

I am so happy to say that I finally completed the Javascript section. This section was really challenging. The most challenging part of this section was the intermediate algorithm scripting part and the final cash register project.

Anyways I am looking forward to explore the front end section soon.


congrats, you did it fast too…Did you do the html and css basics?


Yes.I got the responsive web design cert on july 6th.

Awesome work!

The front-end section is a lot of fun and it can be more enjoyable once you apply the things you’ve learnt into your own projects. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it.


Thanks mate. Looking forward to it.

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Congratulations! It’s indeed changeling, but very rewarding. The cash register was difficult for me at first, especially since I’m not familiar with how the US currency system works, but on finishing it I found that I overlooked some details and made it harder for myself.

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Thanks. Even I was initially stuck in the same problem. But the tabular column about the bill details were very helpful in solving it

Congratulations men, I just started with the javascript tutorial 4 days ago and I am looking forward to finishing it, although I hope it does not take more than 4 months.

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Congratulations! I’m still struggling with intermediate algorithm scripting and I’m already planning to come back to this section in a few weeks for review.