First Project Bootstrap CSS

Hi everyone (first post, loving this learning format in FCC).

I am working through my first project, the tribute page. After getting through the basic setup of the site on codepen, I wanted to run the code on my local Chrome browser to see it there. However the bootstrap features do not show.

What links for bootstrap should I add at the top of my code to remedy, or another solution I may not have thought of?

I figure this is beneficial to know when I eventually want to set my own stuff up outside of the FCC and Codepen code editors.

Thanks :grinning:

Two ways:

  1. Add Bootstrap as remote download while your local page loads
  2. Add Bootstrap as local download, ie it’s already downloaded from and copied in your page’s directory, or better - in a specific location from where you can load it for all your projects

In both cases there are installation steps ‘how-to’, which are very, very, very short and easy

Thank you Randell and Quantuum. I tried both just to get the experience on options and both work well to get them up on my local Chrome.

Appreciate the quick notes.

Well, I found that in some situations the ‘Export’ button is missing on Chrome, so already reported codepen/support :wink:

Codepen replied that it’s possible some ad-blocking plugins to interfere with the interface. In our case the missing ‘Export’ is caused by using a script blocker (most of the users use them because there are lot of malicious sites, also they lower the cpu load and sites are faster) against

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Understood thank you very much for the update Quantuum!

Well, not a problem for me. Let’s make it clear for everyone on FCC - if you have blocked, you cannot see the ‘Export’ function in