First Project, Tribute Page - Design Tips Appreciated

Hello fellow campers!

After lurking and looking at some really amazing tribute pages, I’m a little terrified to share mine. That being said, I would like to ask all of you amazing designers if you have any learning resources or tips you would be willing to share.


Nice job! I think it looks really nice.

I’m no design expert, so I don’t have much to say about the design which I think is good. The one thing that stands out to me is the very intense red. It matches the red in the image well, and it evokes blood which fits the topic. But it’s just a bit hard on the eyes I think, especially in contrast with the dark gray. Also it’s kind of flat. Maybe putting in a subtle texture on the red would look cool and less intense? I am a big fan of using repeating linear gradient patterns in backgrounds. There are ways to get very cool effects and patterns! Here’s a gallery with some ideas:

Also here’s a small typo:
<h1 id="title">Stephen King</h2>
Closing </h2> for opening <h1>.

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Thank you for the feedback! Darn h2 tag hiding in plain sight, lol.

Those CSS textures are wicked cool. Definitely going to bookmark them, so thank you for that resource. I’m kind of a fan of the flat look, but probably some contrast would be better. I used to pick out colors that are supposed to complement each other. I guess knowing what to do with those colors is another skill to study.

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Hi @carolinalad, your page looks good. Something to revisit;

  • codepen provides validators for HTML, CSS and JS. Click on the down arrow in the upper right of each section and then click on the respective ‘Analyze’ link.
    • a few things to clean up in HTML

Thanks. I posted this same advice to another thread before you did to mine. Guess that’s a sign.