For better understanding, is there a way to finish the title case code challenge?

Tell us what’s happening:
Referencing past challenges, I didn’t want to use arrays or loops. I thought it needed to be something using expressions ie /\d+/g. I also used the resource link at: Using an inline function that modifies the matched characters,

As a beginner to JavaScript, is there any way that this logic would work or could be completed? I could get the sentence to be either entire caps or lowercase, not how to break the code apart into words or spaces (with w or s). Using match, I had to remove the boolean values, I had no idea I needed the “^”, but was testing it out to get a solution with the training material so far and what I could look up. Thank you!

edit: for clarification and I’m also trying to understand Replace’s RegExp a lot better

Your code so far

  function titleCase(str) {
  function lowerToUpperCase (match, offset, string) {
    return (offset > 0, "" ) + match.toLowerCase();
  //if after a space, capitalize the first letter
        return str.replace(/[A-Z]+/g, lowerToUpperCase);
  //need to change it to only the first letter & drop the boolean value
  //required to turn it into an array to grab the first character??

    //return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase(); Capitalize first character

titleCase("I'm a little tea pot");

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Link to the challenge: